Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery exhibition includes documentary Growing Up Ethan

The Outwin 2022: American Portraiture Today screens Growing Up Ethan on a loop, showing hourly from April 2022 - February 2023, then touring the country through 2024.

National Portrait Gallery, Washington D.C.

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New York Times Op Doc “Growing Up Ethan

A 15-minute documentary film that asks: How do you find independence when you’re coming of age with autism?

Published 2019.


The New Yorker “A Photographer’s Old College Classmates, Back Then and Now”

The portraits in “Reunion” deliver a visual consistency that feels both plain and profound. By Eren Orbey.

Published 2017.

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New York Times “From Diapers to Dance Floor”

For teenagers who are pregnant or already mothers, the fairy-tale aspect of prom night is especially potent: They can transform themselves for a few hours and feel free.

Published 2018.